My Story

As a busy woman, who is a Mom (human and fur babies), an Employee, and a Business Owner. I found it very easy to not take care of me. I always came last. Every. Single. Time.

I have interests like Music, Horses, Crafting, Reading, and Travel. I enjoy a good cup of tea, a vanilla latte or sometimes a nice fruity adult beverage. But for a while, I did not do any of those things. Can you relate?

I think there comes a time when you realize you have more to offer the world and you need to put yourself first sometimes, if purely just to be recharged to be there for your family.

On my journey of self-(re)discovery, I came across a great company with naturally products that would help me “pamper” (that’s not a bad word) myself while taking care of my skin. They didn’t take hours to use and we all need to shower and wash our face anyway right?

So, I started my own little movement of self-care. I wanted to share it with everyone. And Self-Care is not always masks and moisturizing…it’s making lists, quick recipes, dance parties, crafting, and listening to podcasts….it is so much to just clear your head and keep your battery charged.

After that, Simply Unbridled with Michelle was born, to showcase the need for self-care while offering naturally based products. Fast forward a bit, and we added on paper crafting…because if you love to craft, it is a great way to self-care.

So, that’s my story….want to learn more? Hang out sometimes on the blog and live Simply Unbridled with me!